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Integration of multi-parameter water quality automatic monitoring system solutions

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Integration of multi-parameter water quality automatic monitoring system solutions

Solution overview
Combined with data acquisition telemetry system and monitoring software of water resources management platform, the realization of the fast, easy, drinking water, surface water and underground water drains water quality in different water bodies, such as automatic online monitoring, effective real-time monitoring the change of water quality, water ecology, water environment, the effective management of water security provides reliable analysis and monitoring.
The measured parameters
Conventional five parameters (PH, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity), COD, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, fluoride, volatile phenol, cyanide, oil, heavy metal, biological toxicity and chlorophyll, etc.).
The performance characteristics of
Compared with the traditional water quality monitoring stations, cover an area of an area small, high integration, easy installation, low maintenance cost.
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