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Environmental protection intelligent regulatory solutions

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Environmental protection intelligent regulatory solutions

Solution overview
Around the customer business management requirements, the use of the Internet of things, such as intelligent sensing technology, through the intelligent, digital modeling analysis, combined with the business design center management platform, improve the regulatory environment management level.
System overview
Application field


Process of pollution, pollution control and pollution emission monitoring, online data collection, through the establishment of working model, implement pollution control facilities running state analysis, judgement of emissions data authenticity.
For total pollution charges, shall provide technical basis, emissions trading and other applications


With remote control, communication technology, database technology, depending on the technology of rf IC card technology, system integration, build a stable and efficient sewage remote rigid control of the application of intelligent remote control system; Combination system of accurate measuring device, total amount control device, pollution charge system, the application of rf IC card technology or remote login, make pollution charge more notarization, convenient.
Tradable permits standardization management, pollution total amount control, enforcement measures of tradable permits


Solution composition


Pollution discharge process condition monitoring system solutions constitute a figure

Pollution total emissions control system solutions constitute a figure


Typical cases
Working condition of pollution enterprises in jiangsu province and IC card system project total pollutant amount control
Yi qing environmental pollution discharge process condition monitoring project in qinghai
Qinghai provincial environmental monitoring team management facilities operation monitoring system
Ningxia hui sewage treatment facilities in corporate governance operation monitoring system
Shanxi yicheng first prosperous coal pollution treatment facilities operation monitoring system
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